Did you know? |
In 1998 the T&M company Rigol was founded in Beijing/China. In 1999 Rigol launched its first product, a digital storage oscilloscope. Read more...
Latest Oscilloscope News |
USB 3.1 Compliance Test with Tektronix DPO/MSO70000 Oscilloscopes
23 January 2015 - Tektronix released a comprehensive set of USB 3.1 compliance test solutions that allows designers to quickly verify designs against the latest USB specifications and achieve fast time to market while minimizing costs. The new release expands Tektronix' already extensive USB 3.1 and USB 2.0 test capabilities to include a new USB 3.1 receiver test solution supporting the 10 Gb/s data rate, a new USB Power Delivery test solution and a new USB Type-C cable test solution.
WLAN Digital Storage Oscilloscope
21 January 2015 - Velleman offers the world's first WLAN dual channel digital storage oscilloscope. The WFS210 is a compact, portable battery powered fully featured two channel oscilloscope. Instead of a built-in screen it uses a tablet (iOS, Android) or a PC (Windows) to display the measurements. Data exchange between the tablet and the oscilloscope is via WLAN.
USB Oscilloscopes - Product Overview (Low-end)
USB oscilloscopes are are becoming increasingly popular. Nevertheless there is a wide range of instruments available starting from less than one hundred up to several thousands of dollars. The following comparison chart provides a list of products with some important selection criteria. The list covers products in the low-end price range from 100 to 500 USD and with a bandwidth of at least 50 MHz. Most of USB PC scopes are pure digital oscilloscopes (DSO) but some offer also mixed-signal functions (MSO) or even additional features such as arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), logic analyzer, protocol analyzer or spectrum analyzer.
Keysight adds Touch Screen and Zone Triggering to Mainstream Oscilloscopes
14 January 2015 – Keysight Technologies introduced InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series digital-storage and mixed signal oscilloscopes with intuitive graphical triggering capability. This new oscilloscope series delivers capacitive touch screens and zone triggering to the mainstream oscilloscope market for the first time. The scopes help engineers overcome usability and triggering challenges and improve their problem-solving capability and productivity.
1 GHz USB Oscilloscope with integrated Spectrum Analyzer and Waveform Generator
12 January 2015 - Analog Arts introduces the SG985 family of USB-powered portable test systems. The series includes a 2-channel oscilloscope, a spectrum analyzer, a data recorder, and an arbitrary waveform generator. With an intuitive and powerful application software package, these instruments are ideal for general R&D, T&M, and manufacturing and service.
Compliance Test Application for Characterizing LPDDR4 Designs
09 January 2015 - Keysight Technologies introduced a compliance test application for systems using low-power double-data-rate 4 memory. The application gives engineers an efficient and quick way to characterize LPDDR4 designs. In addition to testing and validating designs to ensure compliance with the LPDDR4 JEDEC JESD209-1 standard, the application offers offline testing support for running signals from simulation tools like Keysight's Advanced Design System.
GW Instek announced new Digital Storage Oscilloscope Series
08 January 2015 - GW Instek will unveil new digital storage oscilloscopes in January. The GDS-2000E series DSO is supposed to offer an unprecedented price-performance value and set a new benchmark for the mid-level DSO in the market. The series will feature 1GSa/s sampling rate, 10Mpt Memory and 8-inch, 16:9 WVGA display. The family includes 6 models covering 200/100/70MHz bandwidth and 2/4 Input Channels.
Oscilloscope Basics |
A Comparison between Oscilloscopes and Spectrum Analyzers
Whether it is for a land survey searching for minerals on Earth, or for a space exploration in search of alien life forms, the analysis of any signal boils down to looking at its time and frequency information. While an oscilloscope displays a signal with respect to time, a spectrum analyzer shows it with respect to frequency. Both of these tools are very important in any signal analysis application. This article explains the difference between oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer using examples.
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Oscilloscope Background |
Precision Phase Noise Measurement Technique - Part 2
In the first part of this article a simple phase noise measurement technique with a resolution of 10 ps was explained. There are other techniques, which could enhance the performance of the measurement to sub-picoseconds. That is the subject of this article.
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